Welcome Jaco!

As of today, we can proudly announce that Jaco Terreehorst has joined our team in the role of CTO. Welcome Jaco! Together we will make the maritime, infrastructure & construction and aviation market more sustainable by offering solutions that are easier, better and more fun!
Safety First

Interesting reading material about the safe use of a hydrogen generator on projects! It is explained how to check whether there is an information obligation or a permit obligation, what the safety risks are and how to deal with them properly. Nice work by the #WVIP and #NLhydrogen! The use of our #hydrogenpowerpack fits in very well with this. Contact […]
SSEB Subsidy

Our power pack is eligible for the #SSEB subsidy for emission-free #charginginfrastructure! With our #hydrogenpowerpack, every company can realize a continuous power supply at any location, which, unlike a battery pack, is independent of the electricity network. The Subsidy Scheme for Clean and Emission-Free Construction Equipment (SSEB) opens on Tuesday, March the 5th. This scheme allows substantial savings to […]
Grid congestion

There are currently many articles passing by regarding the negative impact of grid congestion for the growth of companies. Yesterday during a very interesting meeting about emission-free construction equipment, Henry Steenbergen from Rabobank elaborated more about this subject. Grid connections can either not be delivered or can only be delivered after a long time period, which puts […]
Emission reduction AND cost reduction?

These two go hand in hand very nicely… Due to the high energy efficiency of our #hydrogenpowerpack, substantial fuel savings can already be achieved with today’s hydrogen prices!In this way, the investment in our #hydrogenpowerpack pays for itself. It’s as simple as that. Curious about the savings opportunities of our #hydrogenpowerpack? Please feel free to contact us!
Beautiful Article about a beautiful yard

Zero Emission is the future. At Zwijnenburg Shipyard, Engineering, Machineshop & Constructions it is possible. Today. Nexus Energy is very proud of the cooperation with Zwijnenburg and the possibilities our plug & play powerpack provides retrofitting to zero emission. Not in 2050, not in 2030, now. Please contact either us or Wouter Huig, then we will […]
The Dutch government supports Zero Emission investments.

The Clean and Emission-Free Construction Subsidy Scheme (SSEB) Purchase and Retrofit 2024 will open from March 25th. The subsidy provides financing for, among other things, the purchase of emission-free equipment. Our #hydrogenpowerpack also qualifies for this subsidy scheme! Our #hydrogenpowerpack offers, in addition to Zero Emission work and independency of the electrical grid, an interesting self-supporting commercial business case. And […]
No smoking please!

Let’s be honest… Exposing colleagues to harmful exhaust fumes is so 2023…Let’s find ways together to perform our work but without this kind of health risks, without noise and without vibrations! At Nexus Energy, we do not pretend that we have the silver bullet for all. But for amongst others the infra & construction market, we […]
Meanwhile in Krimpen…

In addition to enjoying time with family and friends, we have also been busy around the holidays performing further tests with our #hydrogenpowerpack. This means we are fully prepared for the next phase of our project and we can hit the road again soon! But before being able to hit the road, we’ll first have to […]
Driving home for Christmas…

After a short period at the #BeensGroep project in Purmerend, we picked up our #hydrogenpowerpack yesterday and brought it back to our workshop in Krimpen aan den IJssel. We will be rolling up our sleeves around the holidays to prepare the #hydrogenpowerpack for the next phase in Purmerend. We are lookingforward to continuing our work with #BeensGroep again and to work on our […]